
Patty, Susie and Dick invite our cousins, family and Halcyon friends to our FAMILY and HALCYON MEMORIES blog. I thought it may be fun for us to share our most favorite, precious memories of our life and times growing up in Halcyon - and remembering - and honoring - the many people that helped us along the way. Do you remember the spontaneous gathering when Uncle Bob Lentz "found" Bernard? Many of us came together in Halcyon to hear and tell stories (and enjoy Peppermint Schnapps). Remember Dr. Gerber being the most perfect emcee while I was recording the conversation using a little tape recorder? I still have the cassette tape from that evening. How many more stories are there to be told, that we can pass along to our children - and their children? I am hoping this blog gives us that opportunity. Two ways to join in the fun! First, please COMMENT on any post with your own memories, reflections. Second, BECOME A POST AUTHOR (contact me to set up permissions) and post your own memories or treasured photos.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Old People" we knew in Halcyon

Back then, there were a lot of "old people" in town, it seems.  Who were they?  I'll bet back then they were younger than we are now.  Hmmmmm ....

Herman Volz will always be the first person who comes to mind.  Herman symbolized for me The Temple.  He was down to earth, alone, simple, and he read a lot of Theosophical stuff (although I did not know this until in my later years).  When I was little, I remember he delivered the US Mail.  He had a pick up truck with a canvas top over the back.  When Halcyonites went on picnics to the County Park (back toward Lopez Canyon) he would carry a bunch of kids in the back of his pick up.  I felt so privileged when I was finally big enough to ride in the back with the older kids.

I was absolutely thrilled whenever Cethil Mallory would play some classical piano pieces in the Temple on Sundays.  I remember Pat Mallory delivering gifts to everyone throughout town at Christmas.

Some names that come to mind, old and not-so-old: Ken and Martha Schussman, and their beautiful home up on that hillside; Olive and Russel Hoff, with their marvelous old fireplace and chimney; Joyce Hedin; the blind piano repairmen, Mr. Paulsen; Fred and Freida Wolff, and his amazing rock collection; the Varians and Sheila's Arabian horses; Gertrude and Thelma Tedford; Maryalice Mankins; Evelyn Carlberg (you know Carl - aka Colin - now lives up our way in Arcata); Roberta Shumway; who else .... ?

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