
Patty, Susie and Dick invite our cousins, family and Halcyon friends to our FAMILY and HALCYON MEMORIES blog. I thought it may be fun for us to share our most favorite, precious memories of our life and times growing up in Halcyon - and remembering - and honoring - the many people that helped us along the way. Do you remember the spontaneous gathering when Uncle Bob Lentz "found" Bernard? Many of us came together in Halcyon to hear and tell stories (and enjoy Peppermint Schnapps). Remember Dr. Gerber being the most perfect emcee while I was recording the conversation using a little tape recorder? I still have the cassette tape from that evening. How many more stories are there to be told, that we can pass along to our children - and their children? I am hoping this blog gives us that opportunity. Two ways to join in the fun! First, please COMMENT on any post with your own memories, reflections. Second, BECOME A POST AUTHOR (contact me to set up permissions) and post your own memories or treasured photos.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I remember Thanksgivings with a table setup in the living room with the Stenquists. Opal commented, "I don't know how your mother does this!"


  1. Thanks, Patty! Isn't this fun? Can you imagine how we all ever fit into that tiny, tiny living room?

  2. Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday - it's all about the food. Mom's gravy and dressing was the best ever. On Christmas and Thanksgiving, I get up early - head up to Jennie's, and make Mom's dressing - which all our family love - briefly, as a young married - Gene wanted me to make his mother;s dressing - which was full of giblets, etc. UGG - I won out - the Lentz dressing continues
